Friday, February 09, 2007

The Middle Ages

While on furlough, or STAS (STateside ASsignment) as the International Mission Board nows refer to it, something happened. I got reading glasses.

I had been doing so well. I've worn contacts since 8th grade. I wear them for distance. My prescription hasn't really changed since 1978 when I got my first pair. In fact, the doc said my vision has gotten a tiny bit better, distance-wise. Of course that's easy to say when you're practically blind without the lenses.

But I began to notice that what I was making fun of Melody doing, I was now doing. I read my Bible, and anything else, at arm's length. Man, this stinks. I always thought it'd be fun though to have the half frames, you know, to look up with your glasses halfway down on your nose? I always thought it made people look wise. I know better now. It's just a facade. Ya just can't read!

So, now at 43 I've lost hearing in my left ear, the hair on top of my head is escaping, and now reading glasses. Is it mid-life crises time? Can I buy my 2007 covertible Mustang now?


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