Saturday, March 10, 2007

My kids have such a cool life...

This past week, Wes took a biology trip to some remote island. The beach is only about an hour away from Sao Paulo. I have no idea where this place is located but I wanna go. They spent 3 days in a jungle-like setting. They spent 3 days/2 nights exploring, hiking and doing experiments. At one point, they captured over 500 hermit crabs. Wes says they even swam with dolphins! His legs are covered with mosquito bites. He lost a pair of cargo pants in waist deep mud. He came up but his pants didn't! Oops.

Wes and Rachel are what the missionary world calls as "3rd Culture Kids". Our kids are 100% American but they are also 100% Brazilian. They come from 2 cultures. They've spent most of their lives here. They can't wait to get to the US and go to Target. Yet, after a few weeks in Disney (the USA), they're ready to get home, home to Brazil. Home is where their lives are really.

And then at school, they're surrounding by so many cultures. Paca is a small school yet there are Brazilians, Americans, Chileans, Koreans, Italians and others.

Wes and Rachel speak 2 lanuguages fluently. You should hear them talk with their friends. They'll begin a sentence in English, mix it with Portuguese and end it with English. It's like one language and they don't realize they're mixing the languages.

The teenage years are often times some of the hardest years we go through. But I think MKs come through with such a richer and fuller life than than most adults. My kids have such a cool life...


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