Saturday, March 24, 2007

I am my father's son

Until recently my day began around 6:00am. I normally don't even need an alarm. I just wake up. I get up and make the family their breakfast. The coffee gets brewed. Lunches for Wes and Rachel are made. Once everything is done I turn on channel 89 for BBC World News (that's only because Fox News is still rerunning their news from the day before) and read the morning paper. By 6:30, Bom Dia Sao Paulo is on so we can get the latest headlines from overnight and check the weather for the day. At 6:55 I load Wes and Rachel in the car and we head to the bus stop where they are picked up at 7:05. That's just our routine.

But one morning I woke up at 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep for the remaining requirement of rest. So I turned on the tube and surfed to see just what was on that early. Whoa! M*A*S*H! It's in English with Portuguese subtitles. I'm hooked and even without an alarm I'm up by 5:30.

Still after it went off in 1983, it's one of the funniest shows around. Besides Andy Griffith, M*A*S*H was my dad's favorite. He too got up before dawn. Wait a minute...I'm up before dawn. I watch M*A*S*H. I must be my father's son. Kinda cool if you ask me.


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